2023 Duniway Fall Giving Campaign

Thank you for donating to the Fall Giving Campaign so that we can continue to provide Educational Assistants and other crucial staff for the next school year, keeping our student-teacher ratios low. The Foundation donates 1/3 of funds raised to the Fund for PPS to provide equity in funding for all PPS students. Your tax-deductible contribution not only supports Duniway students but promotes equity for hundreds of students across our district.

Please support Duniway and Portland Public Schools by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.
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We suggest a donation of $250 per student/ $450 per family. Some of you may be in a position to give more; others may give less. We welcome donations of all sizes!

We would like every family to participate during the campaign.  You do not have to donate to participate!  If you are not able to donate this year, submit the Participate form to log your support for the Foundation.  The classroom with the most participation will win a popsicle party at the school.

Please let us know if your company has a donation matching program, and take advantage of Giving Tuesday if you can!

If you choose to donate monthly, your donations will automatically end after 12 months.